Author Guidelines

Journal of The Human Security invites scholars and academicians for submissions of original scholarly work pertaining to the theme of the Journal i.e. Human Security. The submissions must be relevant and engage the readers in a manner to increase the scholarship and open up innovative ideas for the future research. Following are the few important guidelines for submissions:

  1. Articles/Papers:
    a. The articles/papers must be original work of the author and must not be considered by another publication.
    b. Article/papers must contribute to the existing literature and help innovate new ideas for future research.
    c. Articles/papers must be referenced (Footnotes) in Chicago Manual Style 16 th edition.
    d. Appropriate methodology should be employed while writing the papers.
    e. The word count should be between 3000-5000 words.
  2. Book Reviews:
    a. Book reviews must be written in a proper style.
    b. Should include the requisite information of the author, publisher and other famous works of the author.
    c. Must clearly highlight the central argument of the book.
    d. Must highlight the examples (if any) to justify the argument.
    e. Word count must be minimum 1500.


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