Call For Papers

Journal of The Human Security is an open access peer-reviewed and bi-annual journal that publishes papers, book reviews and articles within the broad spectrum of Human Security. The Journal aims to understand the shift from traditional security structures to contemporary human security, and global vulnerabilities, and contemplate the implications on human security by the ever-changing politics, climate and approach to mitigate such threats. The research articles and book reviews must revolve around and can also transcend among the seven categories of Human Security defined in the 1994 Human Development Report (HDR) by the UN, Economic Security, Food Security, Health Security, Community Security, Personal Security, Political Security and Environmental Security.

Guidelines for Paper Submission

1. Topic Relevancy
The topic must be relevant to the broader theme of Human Security. The articles and
papers must highlight the issues, policy making, global institutional advocacy,
possible solutions and vulnerabilities in human security.

2. Referencing Style
The Journal accepts papers written in the Chicago Manual 16th edition. Papers and
articles must be properly referenced using footnotes/endnotes.

3. Word Count
Papers/Articles: 3000-5000
Book Reviews: 1500

Important Deadlines

1. Summer Issue

Abstract/Manuscript Submission: 26/06/2024
Publication: 30 June 2024

2. Winter Issue

Abstract/Manuscript Submission: 26/09/2024
Publication: December 2024