Francesca Manenti
Graduated in International and European Politics at Cattolica University of Milan in 2012, she took a master’s degree in Economic Security, Geopolitics and Intelligence at SIOI (Italian Society for International Relations) in Rome. In 2013, she entered Ce.S.I. as intern and then she has gained experience through the fellowship program. Now she is the Senior Analyst in charge for Asia and Pacific affairs at the Institute and author of publications on subject of her expertise. She teaches at the Carabinieri Officer School, at the Centre for Specialized Training of the Italian Financial Police and at the Course for Analysts organized by the Institute.

Van der Geest, Kees
Kees van der Geest (PhD) is a human geographer who studies the impacts of climate change, human mobility, environmental change, adaptation, livelihood resilience and rural development. Key features of his work are the people-centred perspective and the mixed-method approach combining quantitative and qualitative research tools. His work has contributed substantially to expanding the empirical evidence base on migration-environment linkages and impacts of climate change beyond adaptation (“loss and damage”).

Dr. Maria S. Effendi
Dr. Maria S. Effendi is currently Assistant Professor at Peace and Conflict Studies department at the National Defense University, Pakistan. She is expert on the South Asia (Conflict Resolution), Ethnic Conflict and is also a Certified Mediator trained by Prof. Johan Galtung.

Dr. Imran Ashraf
Dr. Imran Ashraf is a distinguished scholar in the field of International Relations. He is currently teaching as an Assistant Professor at National Defense University, Pakistan. His expertise includes Foreign Policy, Political Economy, Federalism and Conflict Resolution.