#Announcements #Press Releases

Prof. Dr Arshin Adib Moghaddam Joins The Human Security Institute as Member of the Board of Advisors

Prof. Dr Arshin Adib Moghaddam Joins The Human Security Institute as Member of the Board of Advisors

The Human Security Institute (THSI) is proud to announce the appointment of Prof. Dr. Arshin Adib Moghaddam as a distinguished member of its Board of Advisors. Prof. Moghaddam brings a wealth of expertise and experience in the field of human security, making him a valuable addition to the Institute’s advisory team

Arshin Adib-Moghaddam is Professor in Global Thought and Comparative Philosophies at SOAS University of London and Fellow of Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge. As a critic and philosopher, Adib-Moghaddam is world-renowned for his work on world politics, comparative philosophy, Human Security and the ethics of Artificial Intelligence.

THSI is delighted to welcome Prof. Dr. Arshin Adib Moghaddam to The Human Security Institute’s Board of Advisors. His profound understanding of human security issues, coupled with his commitment to advancing peace, justice, ethics of AI and sustainability, will greatly enrich our work and guide our strategic initiatives

About The Human Security Institute (THSI):

Working since 2020, The Human Security Institute is the first of its kind leading research and advocacy organization dedicated to advancing human security on all its cadres. Through research, education, and engagement, the Institute works to address the root causes of conflict, poverty, and inequality, and empower individuals and communities to thrive in a secure and dignified environment.

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